Thursday, June 9, 2011

We are all Shipwrecks...

This is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... I've watched it 8, 9, 10 times maybe?  My cheeks, wet, after every viewing. 

It grips me deep inside.

Watch it once to warm up your heart... then watch it once more to explore it's intricacy... then watch it a third time to rejoice in the beauty that is human.ness.  The Solitude of our imperfections.  The Beauty that we have in each other.  The Hope that we have in together.ness. 

Listener "Wooden Heart" from Nathan Corrona on Vimeo.

*view it large if you can...

You can find the lyrics here... just scroll down until you see the name of the song (Wooden Hearts). 
Take a moment to breathe in the words on the page.

Peace, Love, and anchors.

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