Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today marks the 12th day that theDuckling has been with us. We've pretty much celebrated each day in some way or other. I'm so happy to have my non-preggers body back. Heartburn and back aches are gone! Voila! I can bend at the waist AND I have the ability to hold my bladder again! So fancy I am.

We are resting really well. Jackson sleeps so well at night- only waking every 3.5 - 4.5 hours a night. I can do ANYTHING on 4 hours of sleep at a time.

Our new.boy is quite the pleasant fellow. He never really cries... or maybe he doesn't have to. We nurse pretty much all day. And I love it.

I'll confess that when we have a new bebe, we pledge 2 months where we stay at home... away from most children and crowds of people- in order to let the tiny.thing grow his immune system. However, this time around, I feel so much better so much earlier.. which has contributed to me getting a little 'stove.up' in the house. We decided to sneak a quick trip to the zoo in. *Let me qualify- the zoo is right down the road from us. It's a tiny little place that is pretty much empty during the week days... so basically, it was a glorified walk. And I loved it. We all did. It was nice to get out. *Which allowed the opportunity for the first pic taken of me with both boys. Not the greatest- but precious to me, all the same.

James is doing better with each day. He and theHotness get out every day and do something special... like Chuck E. Cheese's, golf, errand running, etc. It gives me some down time with theDuckling to bond and oogle. Plus James is loving all this special time with his Daddy... and if you think about it- when else will they have this kind of time together again? Two weeks, every day doing something different- just the two of them... Something to cherish, that's for sure. Oh, and I have to say that James is so happy to have someone share the backseat with him.

Before I tuck into bed for the night, I have to share one of James' favorite new things: He's discovered me having to use the breastpump from time to time during the day. He's intrigued. Of course, I was terrified when that door opened the first time and I was hooked up to that contraption--- what would I say? how would he react? Wells, I was just honest and answered his questions- and JUST his questions when he asked them. The other day, he walked in (he's used to it now) and said, 'you know what, momma?' What bebe? 'I'd really like it if your nunus would make white raisins (yogurt covered raisins) and pbj's for me to eat.' You and me both, kid. Funny, that one.

Anywho, we are recovering well... adjusting as we should... and gearing up for theHotness to go back to work starting Thursday. In a way, I'm ready for him to get back to work- bc I want to regain our normal routine again... but then again, I'm going to miss his help and the rugged.good.looks during the day. He is the very best daddy... there isn't a single thing, other than nursing, that he doesn't do for them or me. Because of this guy, the boys and me live a charmed life really.

Okay, off to get the bread out of the oven, then bed down for the night.

Peace, love, and ice.water,


Michelle Sanders said...

Oh sugar....you and your boys are just a vision! That story about the breast pump is hilarious and SO James! Now you let me know when you are ready for baby's first trip over the bridge....I'm ready for ya!

Jill said...

I was having a lumpy day, and well, you just brought me out of it. :) The breast pump thing made me snicker out loud! And I think your first pics with the kiddos post pregnancy are super cute. Hope you have an especially great mothers day this sunday!

xo J

Jennifer said...

You look just lovely with your two precious boys! The breast pump story is too cute! You should definitely write that one down and remember it forever!

Much Love!

Megan said...

You look SO good! How do you look this good after just giving birth? Love your fam. pictures! Love you!

Dean Whyte said...

I enjoyed reading your blog, thanks