Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And Away They Go!!!

A couple weekends ago my darling Carla Carley and her beau went to a local Mardi Gras Ball.  They go every year but with a huge stroke of 2011 Luck, her mother was unable to keep their bebe girl for them over night.  This is where I come in.  I've been bonded to this bebe girl since she was just a bump on her momma's belly... I've watched her grow and our family collectively have fallen madly in love with her.  Needless to say, we jumped at the chance to have a big slumber party with our girl so her parents could have a night away! 

But before they went, Carley and I got to play dress up.  I helped her with her hair and makeup... then snapped a few prom pictures before they left.  It's not every day a SAHM gets to get all glitzed and glamed up... OR get to be the one to break out lavender eye shadow and play makeup artist.  I enjoyed every bit!  Carley looked lovely!  By the time they left out, the sun had set... so I had to make due inside under artificial light.  Here are a few pics of my girl and her handsome beau...

Aren't they beautiful!?!?!  That's why little.miss.A is so adorable. 

We had a fun slumber party that night, then we put all three bebies to bed and I made theHotness homemade oatmeal raisin cookies while we watched a show on the couch.  It felt so good to have THREE bebies in our nest that night.  And THREE bebies underfoot in the kitchen as we all rocked out to U2.  And THREE bebies that morning to come jump into the bed for a snuggle.  What can I say?  Our nest is meant to hold a little more love... I'm certain of it.  And speaking of Love, here are a few surprise Valentine pics I took of A for her momma and daddy. 

Oh, I just love this spunky thing!  And I LOVE that her momma and daddy trust me enough to keep while they are away.  That's a big step!  And I know just what it means... So thanks, Carla.  I love you and your family like my very own. 

*More Vday pics of our little Love.Nest.Celebration to come soon.  Right now, I'm in the midst of A Sick House:  Week 3.  But we did our fair share of loving/celebrating... and nose.blowing. 

peace, love, and a whole.lotta.pretty.


Carley said...

Wow a whole post! Boy do I feel special :) And I felt so pretty that night. Thanks again for everything. And I agree - your nest totally needs 3!

kellie said...

awwww.... a new post to love!!! refreshed and completely satisfied. im soooo lovin the pictures carley, they are absolutely breath.taking!

Melissa said...

beautiful couple & little girl! cute valentines! :)