Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Oh, it's late. Too late for a nursing mom of a newborn to be up. "Sleep when the bebe is sleeping." Or in this case, beb(ies.) But that's become a problem for me lately. See, I'm bursting at the seams with creative ideas. Inspiration over.load. Certainly not a 'problem' so to speak. If only there were enough hours in the day to get to it all...

You see I'm a proud new mother to my very own embroidery machine. *sigh* I still can't believe it. I mean, I wanted one for my birthday- but I certainly didn't think I'd actually get one...

Needless to say the laundry seems even more like a chore now that I have that beauty sitting on the table. I've had a blast personalizing the kid's things... and have tons of ideas for the future.


*I still have to brace myself for this one* I'm the proud new owner to Adobe Photoshop CS2. Yea!!! I've wanted this program for years and years and years. Well, ever since I stepped into the world of DSLR photography. And now it's in my clutches!!!

***nursing break***

Okay, I better end this post soon- since I'm on.the.clock before the next feeding. But I should have the time to post more soon. The big.boys are heading to Texas this weekend for Astros baseball, golf, and in.law time. I should have 3ish days to creatively exhaust myself. Sooo looking forward to that.

But before I go, another quick pic of theDuckling I took today. More to come laters!

Peace, love, and pregnancy.brain,


Janee said...

Blog you would like... joyshope.com

Jealous... I want to learn to sew/embroider!

Love the new pics... when can we come play???

Jennifer said...

I love the new pictures! I can't wait to hold this little man. Let me know when ya'll have a weekend available to get together. :o)

Much Love,
