Monday, September 14, 2009

The in.betweens...

*The boys are napping. Yes, at the same time. I know! I should totally... do something. Something good. Like nap? No. I'm too uptight to waste this fleeting moment on something that nice for myself. I'm an idiot. Instead? Maybe, I'll attack the playroom.

But first, I blog. **

Beaux.Jack wants a new muver. No, seriously. He does. Or at least he did Friday night. I must be low on self-esteem bc it almost made me sneak a cry in my bathroom. I thought I could by telling him that he would have to leave his brother and all his toys behind... but that he could wait on the stoop outside, perhaps a new muver would come along and take him home. I thought he'd chicken out. He didn't. He said, 'hey,' He sat outside the front door for... minutes. Maybe 15. Just waiting. He cried when we made him come back inside.

No. We didn't have a falling out. No arguments or tears or anything that would constitute excommunication. *sigh*

An hour later or so, he came up to me and broke down. He sobbed. It was pitiful- bc he didn't have to be that sorry. Just a little sorry. He said he loved me and thought I was beautiful... he said he likes when I sing... etc. He woke up TWICE that night hysterical... saying he didn't want a new muver anymore... that he loved 'Lindsey.' Poor fella. Proof positive that he has inherited his mother's impossible.guilt. Boo. Oh! My good, good boy...

TheDucking and I are involved in an impossible co.dependent relationship. I love him... extremely. I can't keep my hands off of him... I kiss him much more than necessary... and I miss him when he sleeps. Marcus must feel slighted, bc there is a new man in my life. Have I told you that when he eats, he holds me with one hand and twirls my hair with the other? *swoon* And now he cries real tears. Big, fat, wet ones that roll down his buttery cheeks and leave shiny streaks from his dreamy little ink.eyes... Now, I'll never make him do anything he doesn't want to. *great*

James is going to visit the grandparents this weekend. I'm already trying to make up excuses to keep him home... I'll stop breathing Wednesday and resume breathing Saturday. I hate sharing. But I'm an adult... so I haft to suck it up for all the right reasons.

*On a positive note, looks like I'm taking smother.mother to a whole.nuther.level! Right?

I'm feeling great. Really positive. Almost like I'm rounding the corner on this pregnancy/infancy stage of life, and on to the next stage of raising two boys. Things are easier every day. Schedules more in sync, routines more predictable... you know the drill. The boys seem happy and growing... and my body is recouping itself. This weekend I took my first deep breath- and realized that I've worked really hard. Managed a lot. And now I can ease off a bit and take back some time to myself. They boys are a.okay.

Nice, right?

What have I done so far? I went shopping. I bought skinny jeans. Probably a dreadful mistake. But I did. I totally admit that I must have had a label on my head walking through the doors at that retailer: 'Postpartum mom. First shopping trip out since she lost the bebe weight. WILL BUY ANYTHING if you compliment her and look at cell phone pics of her kids.'

I've got loads of energy this week. We were bogged down with a cold last week. All three of us... but I've got two days from being symptom free, prolly.

I *may* take on the Temper.Tantrum in my closet... pack away the maternity clothes... maybe leave out that extra.roomy shirt just in case I need it for 'one of those days.' I would take a pic of the Temper.Tantrum living in my closet. But if I shared it here, my cover would be blown. Wide.Open. You'd see what brat I really can be.

So for posterity's sake, here are a few pics that I played with over the weekend. Brace yourself... this kid has Powers. Once he flashes his sunshineFace at you... you may be hooked. It's dreadful, actually.

Okay... so in the time it took to post this. Jackson woke up from his nap... so what? I got like, twenty minutes? And the crazy part is that I'm not even aggravated. I just can't wait to go grab him and get my next fix. Something really needs to be done about this. Maybe a girls.night.out would provide the 'intervention' I need... bc really, I'm in too deep. ;)

Peace, love, and fresh.ginger.


Becca G! said...

you are so right!
I am hooked!
He is such a stinkin cutie!!!! I would be in as much love with him as you are! I love to look at his pics... I cannot imagine holding him in person... you would have to knock me out to get me to put that sweetie down! Love him up Lindsey!!!

Jennifer said...

I always LOVE your blogs! The pictures are so precious!!! I could just eat your baby boy up!

Much Love pretty lady!

Callie said...

Oh my gosh.. he sat outside?? aww... but it made me laugh. It's a funny story you can tell him when he's older. And it is awfully SWEET that he was so sorry and so affected. But sad about the night waking.. :(

Michelle Sanders said...

Girls night...promise. You need this!