Tuesday, November 4, 2008


History was made... The United States of America is the greatest country on Earth. Our spirit, our freedoms, our religions, our people, our diversity... Unbelievable.

I'm grateful to be an American. I'm overwhelmed by James' opportunity to grow up in an America that still strives to achieve a more perfect union. I'm humbled by the men and women who have fought and died to ensure my freedom to voice my own opinion. I'm grateful to the women who stood up against the majority and fought to ensure my ability to cast a ballot.

John McCain is a true American Hero. I am happy that my candidate won this election, but it's impossible for me to be happy that McCain lost. He's a great man... a hero.

I've always said that we as a people, are much more alike than different. I believe that Barack Obama can identify our common ground and unit us together as a people and move us forward to a new day... a bright place for our country.

Cynicism is behind us. The nation's people have spoken... both the popular vote and electorate has moved toward Change.

Peace and Hope,


GreenErica said...

I took one pic for you of C and T at the polls. I'm too tired to send right now! Congrats on your hero winning. I wish i liked his wife more! teeheeeee!


Grace said...

hey cutie I have cracked up about your sons costume how cute! How did you guys not eat him up! check this website out you might have to scroll a little down but look for Obama picture all made from cupcakes. Be well Hugs Grace