Thursday, January 1, 2009

Before I put it away...

Before 2008 gets too far in the past, I want to remember the highlights of the year. As I've mentioned before... it was a BIG one for us. Hopefully one I will never forget.... and hopefully one that laid the foundation for many other great years.. Lots of big decisions were made here... in 2008. I suppose we will see these decisions unfold before our eyes in the days and years to come.

I plan on making a New.Years.Rez list... and posting a Looking.Back.Photo post recounting in freeze.frame this year... but for now, I type as my favorite men make breakfast (12:14pm) for me and Moon and our boys.

In January, I met my mentor Lisa... she changed who I was as a teacher and a woman. One of the greatest experience in my school experience came under her guidance. Every day she shows up in my life in some way... some small lesson learned from her coming to pass in my life. We also considered the possibility of moving back to Baton Rouge from Texas... a career jump for Marcus. In one whirlwind weekend, we trusted God and Marcus signed a contract with ExxonMobil.

February made me shiver, with every paper I delivered. Bad news on the doorstep... wait- that's a song. I started this blog in February. We put our little house in the woods up for sale.

March welcomed my rose.bud of a niece, Kathryn Rose. She's a beautiful and happy red.headed bebe girl who adds so much to our family.

April I finished my student.teaching... which marked a HUGE victory in the 187 hour long stint of my education.preparation. We raised a sweet little family of ladybugs... and I started my affection for raising monarch butterflies with my family. *Both things I hope to do annually...

May proved to be a huge step for us when we signed a contract on our here in LA... what a scary decision that has turned out to be a blessing. I'm so happy here. Oh, and I turned 27!

Marcus started his new job in June! He left us in Kingwood as he started his position in Baton Rouge. I was finishing school, taking care of James, and trying to sale the house while he was away. It certainly wasn't easy... but it was one of those things where you come out feeling so strong and accomplished once you get things done. I'm an independent person by nature... so these times really help renew my sense of ability. I love a good challenge.

July marked our big move homeward. A brave step. We miss Texas and our friends we left there... but God has a plan for us here... for now. And so many good things have come our way with this life.step. I'm especially proud of Marcus for posturing himself in such a way to constantly be looking to the future for his career and his family. It's not easy- it certainly takes guts.... and you got to be really good at what you do everyday to get some of these opportunities. *What an affirming and fulfilling thing to realize!

August I graduated college. A promise to myself fulfilled. A guarantee that if I ever needed to support my family by myself, I could. It enables me to be 100% self sufficient if need be. It's one aspect of proof that I am raising up a family that values education and the essential nature of educating oneself. It was a long, hard road... but we arranged our lives to support my commitment to this... An accomplishment I'll always be proud of. *And Barack Obama accepted the democratic nomination for president... *wow*

September we were blessed to find out we were pregnant with our second child... another son. Another huge step for our family... We are so pleased.

October marked the five year anniversary of our wedding. The second best decision in my life. I love the man I'm married to. He's nothing short of my hero.

November was an easy month... loving our new home and celebrating our first holiday here as a family. The greatest nation on Earth elected it's first black president, Barack Obama. What an amazing thing to bare witness to. We have so much to look forward to!

And December is barely behind us. Another year end of stock.piled blessings! What a beautiful thing.

Hello, 2009. Lets be friends.

Peace, love, and waffles.

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