Monday, January 5, 2009

Manic Monday

Jill's post had me jonesin to join in... why not? It's Monday, I've been to my early morning dr's appt, now I'm unwinding from that and putting off cleaning the kitchen. BLOG TIME!

Do you have any idiosyncrasies or unusual quirks when it comes to food and/or eating?

I'm a fast eater now that I'm a mom. I use to savor each bite... now I keep one eye on the toddler, and the other on my meal. AND I'm really big on only eating free range organic chicken eggs (and other free range milk/meat). I grew up with chickens... they're awesome... and they deserve to be able to stand up, stretch their wings, and turn around. The food I eat is the most important physical part of my life. It's our fuel... what keeps us alive. Cute clothes are important, but IMO feeding our bodies the best food available is more important. Plus, I'm a mom now. James can't feed himself- that's my job. So, everything that goes in to his body affects his future... what? Am I suppose to just not care? Oh, I get it- I could use the 'well we ate that way and we turned out alright' mantra. No thanks. Not my choice. Life's too short. And besides, it's like what? No more than a buck more per dozen? Totally worth it.

Have you ever written love letters?

Absolutely. I'm a writer! So, that means I do this a lot. When Marcus was in Iraq for 14 months, I wrote him love letters every single day... and he wrote them back to me. I love to express myself through words- one of my favorite things to do... plus it's free! I want the man I'm with to think he's the luckiest beau in the world... so I make a habit to write sincere love letters to him. Now that we are parents, they've taken on a more intimate and deep tone... we've got more to love for, I guess. But then again, when kids come along I suppose there are three ways your relationship can go: 1. Too busy to notice 2. I feel sorry for myself because you should be doing more. or 3. Through your love, you've given me something I could have never manufactured for myself... the ultimate gift in life... come here you big strong man, you! *We are a three... we work like hell each day to stay there. Plus, authentic words of love, encouragement, and admiration are SO APPRECIATED once you become a parent. So, we do this a lot. And the best part is, it's reciprocal. I love how he thinks about me... and the words he uses to tell me his thoughts. Big gallute.

If so, do you still have any of them?

When he was overseas, he kept both mine and his in a binder together... a scrapbook of love letters... he gave the binder to me on our first anniversary. It's in one of those huge 4" binders. *sweet*

How easy or difficult is it for you to say you're sorry?

Not hard for me. Generally, my motivation is never to hurt anyone... so if things go south, I'm okay with saying I'm sorry for that. With James and Marcus, I'm particularly okay with it. I make mistakes... a lot. I want them to know that I love them fully- and in loving them like that, sometimes I make mistakes... but that's okay because I'm love them so deeply that I will always take responsibility for my actions. The best part is that they love me enough in return to forgive me.

***Went to my ridiculously.good.looking.OB.dr today. Bebe.Jax has a strong little heartbeat... and I look fine. Right on target. The bebe moves constantly now... seriously, constantly. Even when the dr. was measuring my belly and getting the heartbeat, he was kicking around for attention. It was cute. I love feeling him so active. It's magical. I've begun to take video of my stomach bouncing all around. One day, I'll cherish those little clips of bebe.movement. I can't wait to have my three boys all under one roof! I've got lots to post about the BeauxJack. He's a mess these days... totally three and spectacular. He's given up old habits, and started new ones. He's still coming off his Christmas and Birthday HIGH... it's precious and unnerving all at the same time. Marcus is back to work today. What a fantastic last three weeks! I love him... and I love him most for all the time he spends with us. I spent the last two days recouping from the holidays, two sets of company, 68 teenagers, a birthday, and new years. I've got a house to clean and undecorate- but no rush. I'm taking it one step at a time. I need to post a belly pic soon... I've blossomed!

Okay- that's that. Thanks Jill for the 'maniac monday' ditty.

***Oh, and HEY PEOPLE! Start posting new blogs, please! I'm ready to read!!!

Peace, love, and ice water.

1 comment:

Jill said...

So glad to see you joined! I was ready for something new myself and used to do those.

Oh and I'm with ya on the new reads. I find when I'm overwhelmed with other to-dos, the bloggers are just pumping those posts out like crazy! And then when I'm bored to tears and crave material, everyone else is busy. Ho hum. :)