Friday, February 6, 2009

A Little Hodge.Podge

This post will surely be a little hodge.podgy... I mean, with more than a week offline, lots of knitting, house.improving, Superbowl.partying, a trip... and an ever expanding tum.tum, a hodge.podge post is absolutely necessary. I suppose the only other alternative is to want some sort of well thought out post... that neatly keeps on one track. And given the circumstances, is impossible. So, bare with me... because if I chose the later, I would never blog again. Too much pressure.

The laptop is up and running. I didn't lose a single picture or document or professional piece from my portfolio. VICTORY! However, the whole ordeal is a pain... It's like having a new computer... just without the 'new.' BUT all the companies have been great about providing their software to be installed again if the reload caused me to lose it. No harm, no foul.

I spent my time knitting and crossing things off my very pragmatic NewYearsRez list. I need to do a of my favorite things and places around the house as things shape up. *I will.* We've really made some strides over the past couple of weeks AND will have even more to show for it in the coming weeks. Nothing feels better than following through with your visions to create a that suits you and your family. Plus, the nesting thing I'm going through doesn't hurt! The whole process really makes me stop and reflect dead in my tracks: Wow... I'm... really blessed. Feeling grateful is a great feeling... and I hope I can always be present enough to identify the goodness around me. It's a beautiful, free sort of feeling.

Oh, the Superbowl! So my team lost... but the party we threw here *ROCKED.* It was one of those great events where everything came together just right. I had intended on it to be a small get together... just us and my friend and her hubs and tiny.tot, aka Miracle. BUT it grew to something different all together. Lots of new friends came and hung out with us. The food was delish, the company was incredibly refreshing, and the kids played so well together. I mean, it looked like a PotteryBarnKids photoshoot in here! The kids were INCREDIBLY well behaved and added to our fun! Don't you just love that? It rarely seems to work that way... Nice.

Beaux.Jack and I took a quick trip to Poverty Point, LA... actually Delhi, LA, to visit my little brother. He came down from MO to fish and boar hunt. Yes, boar hunt. As in wild pigs with tusk that run through the woods. Since I may not see him until I deliver bebe.jax, James and I decided to make the trek up to see him. It was such a nice visit! The weather was cold and windy, which kept me from *seriously* fishing... but we caught plenty from our cabin on the water... we threw a bundled boat ride... and heard the wildest hunting stories I've ever heard. To make a long story short (with hopes of pictures to round up and post soon) my beautiful brother killed a 250 lbs. wild hog with his bare hands and a knife. ...............

Let it sink in for a while.........
Whatever image you are producing right now is most probably more accurate than not...
Yes, like that scene in OldYeller... cept the kid was smart enough to stay in the tree...
And no reports of rabies thus far. Good news for Tboy, bad news for the pig.

Unbelievable that kid. He's... pretty much spectacular. Not because of his Lord of the Flies ability to run wild through the woods.... or his Man vs. Nature way of living every day... but because the total package of my brother is the wildest, funniest, sweetest, best.lookingest, only certain people can pull it off- thing you'd ever see. And I didn't even mention how smart he is... *well, perhaps the wild.boar wrestling story may contradict that claim... later.

And lastly... I have the urge to tell you about my ever.expanding waistline--- but I lost my waist weeks and weeks and weeks ago. I'm at the point where I am all bebe from ribs to legs. I feel like a walking whisky barrel. It's huge, round, and oddly hard and not cuddly at all. Of course, that's a good thing I think. Bebe.jax is growing and with his belly space. I judge that from all the wild movement that's been going on lately. I talk to him, we all do, and he moves in reaction- like he already knows us. I'm completely bonded with this little boy. I can't wait to have him here among us. Being pregnant has been so good for me. I'm so happy where I am right now. I'm puff.chest proud of what all I have accomplishes... what my tiny family has accomplished... and I have an overwhelming feeling that I've got the whole world on a string. So much possibility. So much to look forward to. So much to live for. *pinch me* We start the nursery this week... I'm so excited.

We've decided to use most of the vintage cowboy we used for James. I've gotten mixed reactions about using it again. The bottom line is that his nursery was a custom collection from boutiques and antique stores... totally cool and unpredictable stuff. I can't bare to garage sale it. It makes sense to use it again since I love it so much. Plus, the money that it frees up can be used on a beautiful bassinet, blankets, and a beautiful layette for our new.boy. You know, since I don't have to reinvent the wheel here, I can pretty much have my cake and eat it too: cute custom nursery AND all the bebe gear and clothes and blankets and accessories I like! So, I feel it's a (Shut up, Erica... :) *I'll post all the goodness soon.

That's it! Blog.House.Keeping complete!

I hope yall's Vday plans are shaping up... this may be my best Vday yet. We've got nearly a whole weeks worth of sweet.plans. Being the only girl around this holiday really pays off! With bebe.jax rounding the corner, I may be forever altered by all of this adoring.

Share your plans, yo!

Peace, love, and banana.splits!


MsAmerica said...

I love you and your tiny growing family! I can't wait for the new boy to arrive!!! :) I love reading your blogs, and that hog story keeps making me laugh/smile. That's the manliest thing I think I have ever heard. Lol. Thanks for the midnight urge for a banana split too. ;)


P.S.- you are the cutuest prego gal around. Seriously.

Michelle Sanders said...

i miss you so much I want to vomit. seriously.