Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hi darlings!

I've been putting off this post by a couple of days hoping to get some news to report... but no news yet... so I mine as well catch you up anyhow.

Remember that glucose test I had to take a week or two ago? Well the test went terrible... It's an hour long. I forgot my knitting and my book... and my cell hardly had a decent charge. It wasn't really the wait that got to me. I mean, a mother of a three year old is always in need of a little 'quiet' time. It was the sickly sweet drink, paired with the spectacular heartburn, and the inexperienced phlebotomist poking me EIGHT TIMES in one arm 'lookin'... I mean DIGGING for a vein. Oh. I'm over it now. But it was God's way of teaching me a lesson: It's best to be nice in most cases... always... BUT, Lindsey, by the 4th poke and second blood soaked cotton ball, it is okay to ask the guy to STOP. If it were Marcus or James or anyone else I knew- I'd have asked for someone else by the second poke- BUT it was me... and I must play by different rules, when it's me taking care of myself...

Anywho, I got the call that the test came back 'a little high.' Great. That means I had to take the 3 Hour glucose test: sweet drink, and four pricks over the course of 3+ hours. Nice. But I'm old hack at it. This make it a total of 3 times in my life that I've had to do this thing. I've always been borderline hypoglycemic. It's one of those things that if you are going to fail, you want to fail by a landslide... I failed by a couple of points. Boo. But FOR ME and FOR THIS BEBE, I went back to the hospital at 9am this past Sunday to take the thing. At 2:30 I was done. AND starving. Did I mention the fasting part? Nothing to eat or drink since 8pm the night before. Nice.

No news yet! I was expecting to hear something today or yesterday... but nothing. I expect to pass. I always do. I mean, what are they going to tell me? Control it with my diet? Riiiight. We eat/buy no processed food- other than dairy... and even that is organic, hormone free, and low fat. I make our own breads... 100% whole wheat and flax. We eat no 'white' things other than the guilty teaspoon of sugar in my coffee... when I DRINK coffee... which is rare in this pregnancy. You'd think I'd be eating ice cream and other pregnant yummies... but no. Not me. I'm a little pregnant but a LOT control freak. So, that's that.

Lets face it: I'll do whatever they want... for this bebe boy.

I taught our Mardi Gras class this past week, I finish with this batch of younguns on Saturday. I love teaching drivers ed. LOVE IT. I love the material, the kids, and the fact that what they learn is really important to the rest of their lives...

Yesterday I was off. I treated James and me to a fun day on the town. We went fabric shopping for the bebe. I picked out some fun cottons to make swaddle blankets. We had a special lunch at James' favorite burrito joint. Then off to the bebe.GAP for my big boy to pick out a slew full of new big.boy.drawers! To make the news even sweeter, he's worn drawers at night for the last THREE nights... NO ACCIDENTS! With all this drawer action, we needed to bulk up our supply! It was so much fun. He walked into the GAP, the young lady greeted us. James said: "Hi, I'm James. I need some help." The lady helping couldn't have been cuter or sweeter... she asked him what he needed and he said, "I'm a big boy and I need a lot of big boy drawers." She looked at me, I nodded and stood back. She took him to the rack in the back and let him pick out whatever he wanted. Needless to say, we are covered in the underwear department. While we were there celebrating his big day, I went ahead and bought some of his Spring wardrobe... I like ordering online from the site- rather than keeping one eye on him and thumbing through for his size. BUT I couldn't help walking out with a bag full of cute things to get us started.

Speaking of clothes... Momma needs to do some clothes shopping herself. My winter maternity clothes will NOT work in these warm temps. I've resorted to wear a lot of my prepregnancy things... It's funny. Me walking around with my comical belly bulging from my body.

That's it really. I've got to take the time to get some pics up. I've promised and yall have been so patient.

***My new blog friends!!! Thanks for finding me and commenting. I'm responding in the post below... check it out. xo***

Peace, love, and shamrock undies.


Janee said...

What size maternity stuff? I have TONS of summer stuff from P!

Anonymous said...

Any news??

I also had to do all the extra glucose tests and I was always borderline. VERY frustrating and LONG. Its so mean to tell a pregnant lady to fast for even that bit of time. ;)