Wednesday, August 19, 2009


We always ask so much of you. And that's been especially true over the past three months. Make good choices. Be patient. Do things the first time you are asked. Don't back talk. Mind your manners. Look people in the eyes when you talk. Be cooperative.

Clean up after yourself when you get done playing with a toy. Leave your brother's things alone. No whining. Always ask permission before getting into the fridge or pantry. Only eat and drink in the kitchen. Put your outside toys away when you are done playing. Make sure to count the 12 tee.balls to make sure you don't lose them. Use your mouth to say kind and honest things. Always be gentle with Brother. Don't be too rough inside.

Say the Blessing before you eat. Put your shoes and hats away. Always put your bath toys back into their baskets before getting out the tub. Only write and color on paper. Not on yourself, fingernails, clothes, books, or walls. Don't break your toys, value the things you've been given. Keep spit inside your mouth. Don't beg or for things, ask politely. Use your inside voice.

Put your dishes away in the sink when you've finished eating. Help your brother with his NuNu if he cries for it. Wash your hands before you eat and after you go to the bathroom. No throwing balls UP in the house. Don't make a mess in the bathroom with the water... or soap. Sit on your bottom at the table. We only potty in the toilet.

We expect so much out of you. Sometimes we forget that you are just three years old. You are the easiest kid to parent. Always willing. Always happy. Always trusting. You've got your Daddy's generous heart and steady demeanor. You've got my spunk and passion. You've taught me more about Love, Life and Myself than any other human being. We've set the bar high for you... but you always are willing to rise to the occasion. Your little brother is so lucky to have you. And no matter what you do or don't do... life wouldn't be Life, without you.

Our little Dazzler... our big.hearted.moon.eyed.boy... our rocket.racer.

I can't imagine a better way to spend my day than with you.

Peace, love, and forts.


Carley said...

Oh James. I'm sending you my love this morning. You are truly one of a kind.

Jennifer said...

What a precious blog! Lindsey, you are such a sweet and precious mother. Your boys are so lucky!

Much Love!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey - Your words are so whole heartedly written and this entry truly brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. I hope that I can be as good and thoughtful of a mother as you are. I truly enjoy reading your they inspire me so much. Thanks for the good reads :)
Lynsey Buuck