Thursday, December 17, 2009

We've been good.

I hope Santa has a big ole bag... because I've got two special little boys who have been very (VERY) good all year. Rumor has it, that we may see a few of these items very soon.

We don't really do characters, movie characters, etc... not on clothes... not with toys... but I gave in on this item. James really loves video games and computer games... so this is a solid effort to claim back our iPhones.

With a few other things here and there... a refill of roll paper for the art easel, paints, books, etc, we are good to go! TheHotness and I can't wait to get on the floor and play! I've called dibs on the lite.brite! *My very favorite Christmas present ever, aside from my glow.worm. TheHotness is jonesin to set up the Marble Run... and I've already brain.stormed the pictures I plan to take with theDuckling and his giraffe teether and BlaBla dolls... And my daddy is stoked about the workbench. *His favorite toy as a kid. I hear Aunt.Carlie has set James up on All.Things.Playdough... I just can't wait to get in there with my boys and make a mess!

Parenting pretty much *rocks.* Hands down, it's the coolest thing ever. :)

peace, love, and tempra paint.


GreenErica said...

Oh! I can't wait to play! What great stuff! The marble thing is awesome!! And I need to brush up on my Lite Brite skills! xo

Anonymous said...

The Leapster is a GREAT idea - Elizabeth, who just turned 9, still plays with hers.