Tuesday, April 21, 2009

*Deep Breath*

Yall, I'm not going to pretend here... I am so anxious right now I think I may fall over. *yes, i'm fine- let me explain*

There are times in my life where I feel like I'm still eight years old with fly.away red hair and freckles... this is one of those times. I'm naturally predisposed to feeling anxious. Biting my nails, tummy in absolute knots, shoulders tensed to my ears, butterflies. No matter how big I get, or how many years prove that I am really an adult- I still fall into the same nervous habits. And I hate it. I feel that my anxiety holds me hostage and I'm not in control...

So lets re.hash today's visit:
I'm fine.
Bebe.Jax is fine.
He's measuring 8lbs 9 oz today- at 38 weeks and a day.
The doc. has sent orders to my OBGYN to proceed with delivery whenever 'convenient.'
My hot.doc has called in orders to the hospital to start my induction tomorrow (Wed) at 6pm. *Just typing up to this point, has left me wanting to run to the bathroom twice...
I still will have my appt tomorrow with hot.doc at 11am.

BUT all signs point to starting induction tomorrow at 6pm.

Am I ready?
Yes! and NO! But ultimately YES...

It's the second time around for me, and I'm still a ball of nerves. I didn't think I would feel like this again... but I do. I did then, and do now.

Please pray for me, for bebe.jax, for his daddy and big brother.

Thanks for all the support yall have sent my way. The gifts, the clothes, the encouragement, your time! Thanks for sending a part of you my way- nothing went un.noticed. And I'm just plain grateful.

I promise to update some time after 11am but before we leave for our 6 o'clock appt. *yikes*

This is real.
Holy cows.

Peace, love, and shaky knees.


Janee said...

Very excited.... and praying BIG time! : )

Carley said...

I've been trying to teach Addison to say "Jackson" all morning. She just giggles.

Jennifer said...

Good luck sweet girl! I know you will be just fine. :) You are in my prayers as I ask God to calm your nerves and give you peace knowing he is right there with you.

Much Love!