Friday, March 7, 2008

Can I have the language of origin, please?

"Oeoemus! Rememes! Oeoeoeoeoeoeo!"

Today James woke up from his nap and started spelling in his bed. I was in the bedroom snuggled up with a book that my Mentor Teacher/friend gave me... and over the monitor I heard these fantastic words. Yes, spelt out letter for letter. I was so tickled by it, I wrote them down. SO- here they are.

For you who haven't heard, James has learned how to spell his first and last name. Yes, Danyelle, it isn't age appropriate- but it sure is cute! I thought he didn't really get it--- but then he woke up spelling these really BIG words... maybe this is a sign of what's to come. He's gonna LOVE words, too! I can feel it.

"Ooo! Oeomealoeurnoo! Nea! Mruo! Meo!"

Peace. xo

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