Case in point: We went on a date night this weekend. We have been promising ourselves that we would try to let James sleep over at his grandparents so we could go to our favorite restaurant... and catch a late movie. BUT there was a series of sick weekends that kept us from indulging. However, this Friday, we did indulge! We went to our favorite place, The Melting Pot. We really dig fondue. It reminds us of a time were we would drop the money... take the time... and do it at least monthly. I'm not grumbling. In fact, we didn't even miss it. But this weekend we were able to enjoy our little hang out and see how far we've come- and dream about where we are going. Time, it flies.
Then there comes the fact that James is bigger and smarter now. I cleaned out his closet this past week... I sincerely HATE that job. I love progress and organization- that's not the hard part. I just hate weeding out the things that no longer fit him. I could care less about the clothes- it's just the sentimental value of where we were when he wore this... or the memories made while wearing that. You get my drift. I pack each thing away carefully, hoping that one day a Jackson or a Charlie gets to wear it again. Who knows? Time, it flies.
Now to the really tough part. I start my next student teaching assignment tomorrow. I'll be in a seventh grade ELAR class. I really hope for a good experience and an inspiring mentor teacher... but I can't help but want to go back to my second graders and that mentor. The fit was juuust right. And now I will be new again. I will have to learn how to use the microwave in the teachers lounge again. Teachers will be buzzing around needing to heat up food and eat in their 20 minute lunch break- and I'll be standing there, punching buttons, praying and swearing under my breath that I can figure it out quickly without ticking someone off- or what's worse, holding up the principal from her lean cuisine. There will be tables of teachers sitting there watching me with my spiky hair and high heels... wondering if I really meant to color my hair that way, or if the blond is just a birthmark gone trendy. *meanwhile, my shoulders are inching their way closer to my ears- with a dull headache starting at the base of my skull* Then, some coach in a wind suit will holler out what button to push from across the room... I'll make a crack about 'those student teachers' and get the heck out of dodge with barely warm food. ***Student Teaching Lesson 73: bring something COLD for lunch on the first day of a new school placement- microwaves are NOT your friend. *hmmm, sushi from HEB... *noted*
Ugh. I'm ready to graduate. I'm ready to move in to a new house. I'm ready for time to be on my side. I guess the good news is... that no matter what, the same Time that adds inches to James' height is the same Time that will make me not 'new' on Tuesday... and will get me to graduation and back home... OH, and lets NOT FORGET in five days, Time will bring me to SPRING BREAK!!! See, I'm ready to kiss and make up already.
Blogger is taking FOR.FLIPPIN.EVER to upload pics... so here are just a few. Look for more tomorrow.
1 comment:
Ahhh Time...I have that same love/hate relationship with it. And yes, you will be home soon. HOME. Where everything is familer and cozy. But I am so glad you made the time to get you some fondue! You know how I love me some Melting Pot! We will go next month to celebrate our 6th anniversary! And did you mention spring break?! Thirsty for some tea? Teee he hehe
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