Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happiness: in an eggshell

This past week I've been teaching a crew of Spring Breakers at the Driving School. I love working with my teenagers. It's one of the things about life that I love most... So I was plenty happy 'as is' this week. BUT I got over.the.moon happy when my dad called me while I was teaching.

I was on a roll with my kids teaching them something or other when he interrupted me. He said something to the effect: I'm sorry to slow you down- but I keep forgetting to tell you, You're NEVER gonna believe this. Don't freak out in front of the kids... (okay okay tell me already!) Miss Lovely *our new receptionist* has chickens! You can get as many fresh eggs as you want! (I'm trying not to embarrass myself with excitement) And it gets better... She has Araucanas!!!

And then it happens, I get entirely too excited. That means, that I have an unlimited supply of fresh, organic, free range chicken eggs. But not just any but the most beautiful eggs in shades of greeeeens and blues. Yes, seriously. I danced a jig and my kids laughed at me.


This shot is straight out of my camera.. no editing at all. I placed them next to an Eggland's Best Organic FR egg for comparison.

Here they are next to brown and white eggs...

Gorge, right?

I almost plowed Miss.Lovely over with my egg.zeal- Your mental pic is prolly fairly accurate. :)

So after much careful thought, I've decided to celebrate this windfall of good fortune with homemade custard... banana pudding for these beauties.

Bread pudding with this dozen...

annnd, the rest I will boil and leave in their natural shade as a part of my Easter table decor... *sigh*

They will then be peeled. Whites to one side, yolks to another. Smashed, whipped, matched with fresh herbs and some of my fresh homemade sun vinegar... then stuffed back into their halved whites... sauteed til crisp in a little olive oil to top a bed of fresh french lettuces. Oh boy.

Life is in the details, folks. :)

Peace, love, and hens.


Anonymous said...

Pealed? As in, "Come on peal those eggs?"

Don't you just love a smart-ass?

Wouldn't you just love to send me some of those beauties? I'll pay you!

LindseYaYa said...

Ha! I should either A. proof my post better or B. send them to you first--- Being too technical always hinders my writing process... which is why I should spend more time in the editing phase of things. :)

Don't pay me! Pay her! But then again you'd have to venture back to the DirtyC to get them... :)


GreenErica said...

I can't tell you the jealousy I'm feeling! AND you're gonna make banana pudding? Lindsey!


Nicole Mason said...

I need to learn some time management from you Lindz....cause I can barely get scrambled eggs on to the table, much less homemade custard, banana pudding, and other egg-specialties! That is awesome that you can do all that fun stuff! Have an Eggcellent Easter!

Carley said...

I'm inviting myself and family over for the banana pudding. You know it's Erik's favorite!!

Lacey said...

I want to see how you whip up those eggs at the end....are they like deviled eggs?