Thursday, January 28, 2010

LIVING IT: Uganda and Teeth and Ducks...

Hi friends!

So I just wanted to throw a little midday post up. PLUS, I caved and brewed my 3 o'clock cup a little early. *Goodness* How excited my little heart gets when it's coffee time. Hot, with just a touch of creamer. No sugar. That would ruin it! Nice and strong... juuuust right for this momma! :)

I wanted to update yall on my friend Meghan and Moses' story. I've got lots of emails expressing support. You can find her blog here... *I would have linked it in the first post- but I wanted Meg to read my words first. She has a few current post that are private bc it speaks of specific information about the adoption that can't be 'public' right now but there is plenty there to read and to GET inspired by. And INSPIRED you will be! Because nothing makes you think like Love can... Nothing makes you reflect like a New Perspective can. Stop by and let Meghan and her boy fill you up with lovely feelings. I'm so glad I can use her adoption experience to guide us on our own! We can't wait to start this process!

She is safe and sound in Uganda. She had a beautiful reunion with her boy and he was so happy to see her again. She spoke of how he waited the whole day for her to come for him--- she got in a little later than expected and had to wait until morning to see him. Can't you just picture that? **

Hello Uganda! My 'visitor' map has you highlighted in GREEN showing that from somewhere within those borders you are linking in to see us here where we Play With Pencils. *waving.smiling.waving* My mind's eye has you in a beautiful place surrounded by beautiful people! I wish I could snap my fingers and be there in the midst of it all! I WISH I could see those bebies... *sigh*

But right now I'm steaming brussel sprouts on the stove and Jax has just commando.crawled to the wire door stop thingy on the floor and is flicking it back and forth with his fat little hands. Definitely not exotic. :) But I'm just livin' it! And happy to do it.

Speaking of fat.bebe.Jax. We have TEETH. Yes... the plural version of tooth! The bottom one got a neighbor just this morning. His little tongue won't leave them alone. He keeps sticking his tongue in and out to feel his big accomplishment. So.Super.Cute. See?

So yeah, progress- on ALL fronts. :)

Rumor has it a cold front is rollin' in. That means a few things- the first being, we better go feed the ducks! Yep. James has been asking for days now... and before the weather drives us back inside to hibernate, we better get out while we can. So off to LSU with us! *Maybe I can get some shots of my boys at sunset. Oh! Be still my heart... It's neat to think that the same sun that shined on Meg and her boy this morning hugging and kissing will be the same sun that sets over the LSU lakes tonight as James stuffs the local ducks with our old pantry.fare... me and theDuckling snuggled up on the blanket... and theHotness making sure the big.bossy.geese don't ruin the fun. :) Can't you just see it?

So that's it for this little update.

Thanks for this community. Thanks for your readership, your comments, your time, and warm participation. My readers and friends serve as SUCH inspiration to this little.momma! :)

Off to puree brussel sprouts and pack duck.dinners!
Goodnight to you, Uganda! You've got my fervent prayers...

Peace, love, and pearly.whites.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Followed you her from Meghan's blog, and then read some more. Love your heart for orphans, your love for your kids, your photography, the way you write. I will definitely be a follower!