Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday Musings and other things that Matter... to me.

So, we made it through Marcus' first day. Yes, I said 'we' made it. When you have a family, things really become *ahem* a family effort. Marcus got to Exxon and was glad to find his office ready and waiting for him. His new buddies even through in some TIGER touches to make him feel at home. And he does. Feel at home. He's so well prepared for this position... and there is a lot of opportunity waiting for him. Guess where he went for lunch? The Great Wall. Yeah, I know. A little bit of the home we love jumped up and said--- 'See! I'm still here, you still love me, and you'll be happy again here.' After work he drove to the new house to scope it out more... Good news. He still likes it. And he feels sure I will still love it, too. Actually, what he said was: "The grass is really looking good." Whaaaa? Marcus is obsessed with lawns. It's borderline creepy. Perhaps a good comparison is my affection for dish towels. *All of this to say, things are going nicely.

As for the relo surprises. Basically the short version is that we had a HUGE scare that we may have to sell our house at a loss because of the terrible housing market/crisis that's going on. Houston's feeling it pretty bad. BUT, after a week of agonizing... we found out that regardless the market- we will get our equity out of the house. Yippee! 'Cause it would really stink if we had to leave our beautiful home here and get an apartment in Baton Rouge while we recouped the money lost. So, everything is sunny.

I've been reading a couple of special books... I wanted to post them as evidence of my 'musings' but... *yawn* I'm beat! Tomorrow? Yes. For now, I leave you with a slew of pics that I've taken of my Beaux... James Neal. With Daddy being gone, we have lots of snuggle time. He's a momma's boy if there ever was one. AND it's been almost 2.5 years and I still can't get enough of him.

I played with adding noise into these images. I don't have Photoshop- so all of my editing is done by hand through a limited processor..... I'm learning the hard way which is great- and I have ultimate control over my images... I'd LOVE to get feedback whether you like the 'grain' in these pics or not. Seriously. I need to get on Flickr so I can get more photog feedback. Okay, thanks in advance.

We love you Marcus... with all we got! "To the world may be just one person, but to one person may be the world." -remember our quote? There are *two people* in this world whose sun rises and sets in your arms. We hope you love your pics and vid. Knock em dead, stud.muffin. xo

*Thanks to you all for the kind messages of encouragement! Sooo needed it.

Peace, xo.
Lindsey and Sweet Bebe James

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