I suppose we should just put it out there... or clear the air... or just say it and hope for the best. Yes?
It's funny how we work. People. You know, we've been gone from Baton Rouge for nearly four years. In that four years I've learned a lot, grown a lot, and many parts of my life have changed. For one, I'm a mother now. Those of you who know me, have heard me talk/write/rant about what that single transformation has done to me as a woman. Part of that change has influenced my way of thinking about life, love, religion, and politics. I now know how fleeting life is... how simple and Divine a day can be when you give and receive love as true and deep as that of a wife to a husband, mother to a child and receive the same in return. I am closer at understanding the love of my Heavenly Father now that I know what it is to love a child. The Word became dynamic to me over night. I can touch it, feel it, and see how alive it is in my life... heart. My conservative views to Fear and Protect were replaced with Hope, Love, and Charity.
Why? I have a son. I am a mother. I went from wanting only my own safety to wanting the safety of my son. I went from meeting my own needs to wanting to meet the needs of my child. I went from being scared of the world and the differences around me, to wanting my bebe to be curious of the things he sees- hears- taste- and touches. I went from a place of judgement and disdain to wanting to show my child the beauty in other faces, songs, and custom. I was so small then... now I see the wonder of it all. Why? Because I saw it new again through James' eyes. I use to think that I was a child of God... but now I see that it's all His. Every bit. We all belong to him.
I've grown.
Here I am back in Baton Rouge... my home... and I'm tired of avoiding the elephant in the room.
Yes, I'm a democrat.
Yes, I hope and will support Barack Obama in his pursuit of the presidency.
Yes, I'm a Christian and I believe that God is Love.
Yes, Jesus is my savior.
Yes, I'm a decent person.
Yes, I'm a pretty good mother and wife. *although you should verify that with my boys.
I'm tired of evangelicals telling me how they are scared of what is to come if Barack Obama is elected president. I'm sad for them. I'm sad that they are scared. I don't want them to be scared. It's fine if you support McCain. In fact, it's great. But don't be scared of democracy. Don't be scared of other opinions. Don't be scared of change.
I'm NOT scared. I can't be. I gave up my right to be scared two and a half years ago. I have a son who will grow up in this world. I'm responsible to teach him to be strong, brave, and put all his worries and fears into his Savior, who reigns with wisdom, power and might. I don't want him to fear the world, because his Heavenly Father has a supreme plan for James... he is safe in Him. James has no concept of his Heavenly Father now. But he has a concept of his earthly father, Marcus... and of his mother, Lindsey. He trust us. He has no fears... no doubts... nothing to make his heart worry. I have to protect that in him. Marcus and I have to keep him feeling safe and secure in this life.
If Fear is the life I want to live, then I should dive head first into it. The fires, the earthquakes, the sickness, the poor economy, the housing market, the dependency on energy, the environment, the terror, the wars... I could go on and on. If you want to be scared, then swallow it up. Take it all in. Let it sit in your belly and become your eyes and ears and arms.
I get emails how we should be scared for our country... no more. Please don't send them my way. I'm not scared. I'm not scared of either McCain or Obama acting as our president... do we really expect them to do anything so great that will be outside the scope of what God intends for us? Really? And while I'm at it... let me not beat around the bush. I'm not scared of black people... The black/white current that teeters around daily here in Baton Rouge is enough to drive me crazy. Come to terms, people. Marcus and I are a part of a mixed race family and are proud of what that represents. I'm raising a child... and as far as my family is concerned, we will teach him to not judge someone by the color of their skin- rather the content of their character.... So please, none of that around us. You may think that you are being sneaky with your insinuations, that it is better to not just come right out with it- but we have a two year old. He's smarter than you think, and at the end of the day, we are both too tired to read between the lines. Either man up, say what you want to say, and be responsible for it--- or lets just avoid it all together and talk about football season or the hot weather. Okay? We are all friends here. Besides--- I know more about YOU than I do about Barack Obama... AND as my friends and family, you will prolly do more for me than either candidate ever will. So lets not throw the bebe out with the bath water.
This is America... it's so cool if we have a different opinion. I'm so diggin your ability to have another view. In fact, I appreciate you for it. It makes us better when we take the time to evaluate the 'big stuff.' We can learn from each other. And, well, that's just cool. If you ever wonder why I feel one way or the other... or want to know what issues matter to me and why, just ask. I'd love to have a chance to show you that I'm not some liberal freak.of.nature. Maybe you'd see that there is a method to my madness... one in which you may agree with. We are all just trying to do our best here. I'll cut you some slack... maybe you can give me some of that credit, too.
Whew! I'm glad that's over. Embrace me, Baton Rouge. We're back. Different than before... but better for it. So, let's get on with it shall we?
Peace, xo.
I, for one, still want to get together with you! : ) What I love about you is that you are so true to yourself, and you have strong convictions, even if they are not what people "expect" you to feel. How much better would the world be if we ALL knew what we believed and passionately supported that!
One should always be proud of what they are passionate for.
Thanks for the sweet comments on my last post - very encouraging and supportive. I needed that. Its a shame not everyone holds the same hope and faith about love and marriage as we do. The world would be an even greater place. :)
YIKES! Such a heavy topic. Don't they know better than to talk politics with you if they don't want to TALK? I mean really. I love ya sweets!
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