Sunday, August 31, 2008

*My Home*

I know this life is a journey. I'm told, and ultimately I believe, that this place is not my home... But God put me here on this Earth with a plan in mind for me. My life, God's plan for this child, began here in Louisiana.

I love it here. I love the green that grows out of the cracks in the concrete. I love the music found in the accents of it's people. I love the water that pulses through this land. I love the people. Those people that look like my grandparents... those that look nothing like me at all... we all share something common. We love. Big. There is no such thing as being a 'stranger' here. And I love that. It's the idea that everyone is home in Louisiana.

God put me here, with water rushing around my ankles and a cane pole in my hand pulling crawfish traps from the warm levee waters... in cutoff jeans, eyes peeled for snake. I'm here pulling in brim the size of dinner plates. I'm in Tiger Stadium holding my breath for the band. I'm gathered around the dinner table hoping the tartar sauce doesn't run out before it gets to me... Daddy's fried fish... blackberry's off the fence line... Bacchus in Jackson Square... snowballs at Megan's Snowballs and last minute runs to the Sureway... getting bait at Bridgeside.

So another storm is threatening the place that I love... the people that live here. I'm most worried about Grand Isle and New Orleans. Both places I love.

Grand Isle is my geographic center. Something about that place, those people, that water makes me feel most at home. Because I grew up in a fishing family- which means we fish more than we do anything else, 'cept go to church- we practically grew up on that island. Golden Meadow, Fourchon, Grand Isle...

The storm could cause storm surges up to 25 feet of water... devastating to a place I love most. The news keeps covering the preparation and evacuation of the island and I can hardly take the 'what ifs.'

Here are some images from last summer:

New Orleans... my other place. I can't bear to see it under water again. We need New Orleans. Here are a few pics from last fall.

*We are prepared, sandbags, food, water, batteries, etc... I feel prepared. The state seems prepared. No replay of Katrina- as far as the State readiness and responsiveness goes... I still need a hard wire phone. We only have cordless. Carlie and Wes have a Hannah Montana phone... I hope we can secure a phone before tomorrow. BUT for now, I think we are okay. Marcus is taking down James' play structure in the back... and I've been cooking up goodies for our hurricaning.

That's it... I've got breakfast to fix for my boys. I'll leave you with a powerful song from one of the most talented singer/songwriters I know... Marc Cohn.

Love and Peace, xo.


Michelle Sanders said...

love you sugar. be safe!

Janee said...

We're gearing up for this one as well... sandbags, canned foods, bottled water... and most of all, lots and lots of prayers.

My heart breaks to think of the people in New Orleans facing such devastation again. I'm thankful most have evacuated- but I fear for what they will face upon returning. I gained lots of New Orleanians as students post-Katrina, and I just see their faces in my mind and pray that they don't have to face loss again.

Be safe-- praying for you and your family. We're a little concerned about getting water in our house, but for the most part, we feel relatively prepared. Hurricanes have a totally different "feel" from the perspective of a mommy now! : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Marc Cohn, very powerful and poignant. Will start downloading his music.
Godspeed; LMKW,Hot,Beaux,Chuck,W's,Rags,Sids,w's,T,Ruth,Rick,Pam,Jeff,JenEye,
Care,LB,KK,Rock,DannyYell,Tim Dylan,Kate. We all have been very blessed. JohnnyHack

LeS said...

thank you so much for your comment last night...i was lying in bed sick and unable to respond immediately but you and yours have been on my mind ever since. hope you are all ok. funny thing is i have been thinking about getting down there with my camera for i'll be able to ask a local just where i should go when the time comes :)
much love and safety to you,